Exodus Mentoring Program

The greatest investment you can make is in yourself. Take a moment and pause....breathe. You have now taken the first step on the path to your exodus. Let us dissect the word "IN VEST ME NT." Do you see what I see in you.......that's right. With the right coach, you can begin to exit that 9 to 5, start a new business, revamp an existing business, or turning that hobby into a profitable business! Allow Coach Will to come alongside to guide you into your next season! Now is the time to put the world on notice...........Prepare For Exodus!
The Exodus Mentoring Program offers:
*Access to a private Facebook group where you can interact and ask questions
*Network with other entrepreneurs
*Weekly Group Sessions With Coach Will
*Weekly Q & A Sessions
*Monthly Business Workshop Training Sessions with successful entrepreneurs, local/national influencers and Coach Will
*Business Structuring
*Proper Business Setup
*Access to Local, State and Federal Resources
*Access to Capital and other funding opportunities
*Access to Valuable Resourses
......and so much more​